Professor & Head Plastic Surgery Division
Associate Editor Journal Of Clinical Orthopedic & Trauma
External subject expert in the panel of Standing Selection Committee constituted for recruitment of Faculty positions in the Department of Burn & Plastic Surgery at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal (M.P.)
MBBS/MS Examiner For Maharashtra University, MP And Chhattisgarh University.
National Faculty For ASI, APSI, ISPNS And Various Other National Bodies.
Presented 200 papers in different international/ national/ state conferences
Conferences / Workshops Attended-
Attended 80 various national and international conferences
Workshops & Symposia Organised -
Organized 18 CMEs /conferences on different plastic surgical areas in medical college Jabalpur in last 20 years
Visiting Fellowships
1. Fellow hand surgery Stanlay Medical College Chennai in the year 2000.
2. Short term research scholar hand surgery division, department of surgery university of Michigan (UMICH) USA from 1st June 2012 - 20th June 2012
3. Fellow in micro vascular surgery. Chang Gung Memorial hospital Taiwan from June 1st - 30th June 2014
4. International member of American society of plastic surgeons.
5. Smile Train Project- Working as project director in which Comprehensive Data Collection and Operations of Cleft Babies will be performed.
1. Recipient of best PG paper award in 1993 at ASICON held at Indore.
2. Recipient of Sushil Jhawar award for best paper presented by young scientist category during MPASICON (Association of surgeons of India, MP chapter) February 16t-17th 2008 held at Jabalpur
3. Recipient of R N Sinha best paper award published in IJPS what given by Indian Association of Plastic Surgeons.
4. Recipient of B C ROY AWARD of MP state IMA
5. Recipient of PEET prize in APSICON 2017 at Kochi.
6. Fellowship of Royal College of surgeons (FRCS) Glasgow year 2018.
7. N H Antia best publication award by any Indian author in any international journal for year 2019